Category: Leadership

7 Best Podcasts for Students: Unlocking Learning and Inspiration

In today’s fast-paced digital age, podcasts have become an increasingly popular source of information, entertainment, and inspiration. For students, the world of podcasting offers a wealth of educational content, self-improvement tools, and engaging storytelling that can complement their academic journey and personal growth. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the […]

7 Websites To Motivate & Grow Your Skills

2023 is the correct year to take your game to the next level. It’s the time to show how bad you want to achieve your dreams. Below 7 websites aims to inspire and educate readers to make positive changes in their lives by promoting a holistic approach to health and well-being. The website’s content is […]

7 Yoga Steps For Healthy Living

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. It involves a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical principles aimed at promoting overall well-being and harmony. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means to unite or join, signifying the integration of body, mind, […]

7 Influencing Books for Students

Reading plays a crucial role in a student’s intellectual and personal development. It expands their knowledge, enhances critical thinking skills, and cultivates empathy. To broaden their horizons and encourage personal growth, students should delve into a variety of genres and explore books that have influenced generations. This article presents a selection of seven influential books […]

7 Best Motivational Movies For Students

Movies make us laugh, they make us cry and even make us cheer!! but some movies are special one as their story and narration inspires us a lot. Despite of all adversities and difficulties, we can relate to them. We all need motivation (Motivational) for dealing so tough competition in our day to day life. […]

How to Remember the things you read

Reading has been the secret to so many people’s success, from Bill Gates who reads 50 books a year to Elon Musk who claims to have read 10+ hours a day when he was younger. Many people will be surprised but the fact is Reading is as important as the physical exercise for your body. […]

Nationalism in the 75th year of Independent Nation

Nation is an abstract construct, they are just some lines on maps that you and I are bound by. These random lines could either be the result of some bloody battles or of some geographical restrictions or of some calculated decisions that resulted in some form of agreement between some titular decision makers of their […]

Privilege – Short Stories Online For Adults And Kids Fiction

“C’mon Trisha, come inside now. It’s late.” “Just one more lesson, please Maa!” I walked towards my garden with a cup of coffee. As usual, all her stuffed toys were  lined up on the floor.  Placing her drooping dupatta, which  she had sneaked from my wardrobe, on her shoulder, she looked up in the sky. […]

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