7 Websites To Learn Anything For Free

I know there is YouTube, Reddit, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn and other various platforms available for free learning Courses . Apart from these platforms there are many websites that give you free learnings in wide range of subjects.

Here in this blog we’ll talk about 7 Websites that give free courses according to your requirements. Do check the details below.

1. Udemy

Udemy is an online learning and teaching market place with over 196000 courses and 52 Million students, and 68000 instructors teaching courses in over 75 languages. You can learn programming, marketing, data science and more.

Udemy was founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani and Oktay Caglar. Students take courses primarily to improve job related skills.

2. EdX

edX is an American massive open online course (MOOC) provider created by Harvard and MIT. It hosts online University level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge.

edX was founded in May 2012 by scientists from MIT and Harvard. Gerry Sussman, Anant Agarwal, Chris Terman and Piotr Mitros taught the first edX course on circuits and electronics from MIT, drawing 155000 students from 162 countries.

3. Cooksmarts

Cook Smarts is a meal planning service that works to help every home cook look happier, simpler, and smarter in the kitchen.

Cooksmarts was founded by Jess Dang in 2011 ( 1st May).

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4. TedEd

TRD-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED- ED’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. This underlying philosophy is the driving force behind all of TED’s endeavours, including the TED Conferences, TEDx, TED Books, the TED Fellows Program and the TED open Translation Project.

TED-Ed animations are signature content: short, award winning animation videos about ideas that spark the curiosity of learners everywhere. TED-Ed Was launched in 2012.

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5. SkillShare

SkillShare is an online learning community based in the United States for people who want to learn from educational videos. The courses l, which are not accredited, are available through subscription.

Michael Karanjanprakorn and Malcolm Ong started SkillShare in New York in November 2010; the site was live in April 2011. Michael led the product team at Hot Potato. Later this social media product was bought by Facebook.

6. Degreed

Degreed is an educational technology company which provides A better, smarter, faster way to develop and measure your Team’s skills.

David Blake, David Wiley, and Eric Sharp founded Degreed in March 2012. It is based in San Francisco, CA with offices in Salt Lake City, New York and 6 other places.

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7. OpenLearn

OpenLearn is an educational website. It is the UK’s Open University’s contribution to the Open educational resources (OER) project and the home of free, open learning from The Open University.

It started in 1999 when Open.net (an Open University & BBC collaboration) gave a first home to Free learning resources. In this public could interact with without the need to sign up to study a university course. It has over 168215 students.

Do share which website helped in learning about your subjects.
Happy Reading

Yatindra Pandey is the Founder of Motivational Dreams and studying self-development, personal finance and investment for last 3 years. Yatindra's mission is simply, to inspire others to live their dreams and be the person to whom they say, " Because of you, I never gave up. "
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